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Manufacturer: Disney

Angel Handcraft Rose Wood Collapsible fruit Baskets 14" sun shape

This unique collapsible basket is made out of solid rosewood and is all handcraft. It can be used as a trivet or a hot plate while in a flat position and is easy to store, to carry, or even to ship. Once in a standing position, it can be used as a decorative piece of art, a fruit basket, or for potpourri, candies, chocolate, nuts, and more.
SKU: 00687051908075
GTIN: 00687051908075

* It Size 14" Round and  sun shape Baskets.
* It is made out of one piece of rosewood.
* It is all hand made and handcraft.
* It's a long time useable.
* The collapsible Baskets Look beautiful.
* Imported made in Pakistan.
* It's no fear of breaking and rot.
* Great For You Or A Gift
* Perfect For The Collector!
* It also makes a perfect gift for different occasions or for someone who has everything.
* Once you lift the handle from one side, you can use it for fruits, candies, nuts,
potpourri, jewelry, decorative piece.
* Using a scroll saw, the artist starts cutting from the middle in a continuous cut,
the same way you peel an orange.
* It is a spiral cut on a 5 to 7-degree an angle, and that is how one layer locks on top of the other.
* You can see it clearly on the fruit shape as well but because of the angle,
try not to flip it upside down unless you put your hand underneath.
* All Hand Carved Collapsible Baskets Are First Class. No Irregulars!
* This is an Angel licensed an exclusive item that cannot be found anywhere else.

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