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Manufacturer: Luzianne

Luzianne Decaffeinated Tea 96 ct

96 Luzianne tea bags. 2 packs of 48. Specially blended for iced tea. Help yourself live a healthy lifestyle .
GTIN: 047900313359

For a refreshing drink, Luzianne® Decaffeinated Tea hits the spot. Prepare a pitcher of iced tea for yourself and loved ones. Because it's decaf, you can treat yourself morning, noon or night; no matter the time of day, Luzianne Decaffeinated Tea is always a good choice.

Hot or Cold?

Luzianne tea is specially blended to make a delicious hot or iced tea. It’s always good when poured over ice. A pitcher of Luzianne iced tea offers a lovely, golden scent and a refreshing taste. Take your iced tea to the next level and add lemon or lime slices, fresh berries or mint.

What Makes Tea Healthy?

Tea without added sweetener contains no calories and is full of antioxidants. Next time you've got a craving for flavor, pour yourself the rich, full taste of Luzianne decaffeinated tea.

Take the Caffeine Out with Luzianne Decaffeinated Tea

Luzianne decaffeinated tea means you can enjoy that rich tea taste without the caffeine. Luzianne Decaffeinated Tea is truly for everyone. With so many tea bags at hand, you can forget about running out. Just like you can always rely on the crisp, cold flavor of a glass of iced tea, a large economy pack of Luzianne tea means a stock of fragrant tea, ready to be enjoyed.

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